Tag Archives: Fiction

Backstory: Putting your world in context

Context = Clue Context gives us clues to the meaning of an unfamiliar word, the emotion behind a friend’s reaction, the point of a political slogan. The word “flag” can call several images to mind. But even if we’ve never … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Backstory, Backstory, Craft of Writing, Description, Differentiating Characters, Editing, Interaction with Setting, Interior life; interiority, Words and Phrases, world-building, Writing | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Teen Tuesday: What Teens Hate to See in YA Books

Recently, The Writer’s Dig (a blog hosted by Writer’s Digest) published a guest post by teenage writer Jamie S. Margolin. Margolin has written articles for Teen Ink. One of her articles earned her an Editors Choice award and was voted #1 by readers. … Continue reading

Posted in Action, Advice, Character, Characters, Conflict, Contrived Plots, Craft of Writing, Plotting, Stakes, Story Elements, Teen Authors, Teen Authors, Teen writers, Teen writers, Teens teaching teens, Tips for Teen Writers, Writing, Young Adult books, Young adults | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Tuesday Teen Talks: Teens Writing Fantasy

Most new authors start out writing the kind of books they like to read. It’s no surprise then, that teen writers often place their stories in the realms of fantasy and the paranormal, magic, other worlds and dimensions, alternate histories, … Continue reading

Posted in Fantasy, Teen Authors, Teen writers, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

It’s not about the couch

Last year, I attended a local writers group. The speaker, published author Kimberly Frost, spoke on “Description and Dialogue”. Kimberly is a funny, witty writer who speaks faster than humanly possible. But she left us with a lot of great … Continue reading

Posted in Genre elements, Genre recipes, Recipe, Story Elements, Sweet and Sour with Peach Rice | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment