Category Archives: Story Elements

Backstory: Putting your world in context

Context = Clue Context gives us clues to the meaning of an unfamiliar word, the emotion behind a friend’s reaction, the point of a political slogan. The word “flag” can call several images to mind. But even if we’ve never … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Backstory, Backstory, Craft of Writing, Description, Differentiating Characters, Editing, Interaction with Setting, Interior life; interiority, Words and Phrases, world-building, Writing | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Monday Advice from Editors and Agents: A Pleasure Principle

Mashable is a global, multi-platform online media and entertainment “magazine” with tech, digital culture and entertainment content. If you have unlimited time to browse its ginormous daily content, you’ll find articles on everything from new gadgets to Hollywood scandals to … Continue reading

Posted in Action, Advice, Aha! moments, Character, Conflict, Craft of Writing, Editing, High Stakes, Opening scene, Openings, Plotting, Resolutions, Stakes, Story Elements, Writing | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Words on Wednesday: The Emotion Thesaurus

Every good writer tries to “show not tell” character emotions. But even experienced authors may be limited in their familiarity with certain feelings. Extreme emotions such as anguish, desperation, paranoia, rage, and full-out terror may–thankfully–exist only in our fictional worlds. Enter the helpful … Continue reading

Posted in Character, Character arcs, Character-driven action, Characters, Conflict, Emotion Thesaurus, Interaction with Setting, Interior life; interiority, Motivation, Resources, Story Elements, Story ideas, Tips for Teen Writers, Writing | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Monday Advice from Editors and Agents: Hooking a YA Agent

Many romance writers, even some with long backlists, are looking at fresh opportunities in the Young Adult market–more creative freedom (less restriction in story lines), the ability to reach a new audience (one that will grow up to become an audience … Continue reading

Posted in #mswl, Agent/Editor Pitch, Agents, Finding agents, First lines, First page, Gatekeepers, Opening scene, Publishing Industry, Queries, Queries and Pitches, Rejection, Rejections, Writers Digest, Writing | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Monday Advice from Editors and Agents: Use Details in Settings Purposefully

“Your choice of setting and the way you manipulate it can have a powerful impact on the way the scene reads.” –Theresa Stevens Theresa Stevens has been a literary attorney agent and the chief executive editor for a small romance … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Craft of Writing, Description, Description, Editing, POV - Point of View, Setting, Setting, Writing | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments