Category Archives: Differentiating Characters

Backstory: Putting your world in context

Context = Clue Context gives us clues to the meaning of an unfamiliar word, the emotion behind a friend’s reaction, the point of a political slogan. The word “flag” can call several images to mind. But even if we’ve never … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Backstory, Backstory, Craft of Writing, Description, Differentiating Characters, Editing, Interaction with Setting, Interior life; interiority, Words and Phrases, world-building, Writing | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Monday Advice from Editors and Agents: Know Mako Mori and Bechdel?

Do you know Mako Mori and Bechdel? No, they’re not hot new publishing houses, or editors, or authors. They are standards/tests meant to rate the gender inclusiveness of a book or film–and some agents are starting to mention them in wish … Continue reading

Posted in #mswl, Agents, Character, Character arcs, Character-driven action, Characters, Craft of Writing, Differentiating Characters, Differentiating Characters, POV - Point of View, Story Elements, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Monday Advice from Agents and Editors: Match Dialogue to Character

When asked by a blog commenter to name the major shortcomings he sees in manuscripts, developmental editor Alan Rinzler called out–           “dialogue that all sounds like the same person.” Editor/author/writing guru James Scott Bell seconds that opinion, emphatically. He … Continue reading

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